Wednesday 6 June 2012

I spent my money :(

Today, I worked for two hours, and spent the money I earned straight after :/ I really have no will-power.

I bought three pairs of earrings: 
I bought this one because I've always liked the look of tapers before people go into actually stretching their ears. Although it was really cheap... I wouldn't recommend it as it is really difficult to get the front bit to stay on, it just falls off easily.

These, I absolutely love, although my Mum isn't keen, ahaha xD

These were only £1.50 and I'm yet to try them on, 'though I recently bought an ear cuff and I love it, so I'm hoping I'll be impressed with this too :D 

 I also bought these two books, Rules Of Attraction was only £1.25 so, I couldn't resist. It is the sequel to Perfect Chemistry, which was genuinely one of my favourite books ever. I don't know why, I just fell in love with the main character. I'm slightly sceptical about reading the sequel, as I don't know if it could get better than the first :/ But I thought I'd give it a try for £1.25 :P 
I bought Alice In Wonderland because its a story EVERYONE knows from the two films yet not many people have read the books. My Nan told me she found them extremely weird when she was younger, So I thought I'd have a read.

(I originally set out to buy some of the classics like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, but the price's in the bookshops were scandalous therefore, I am going to buy them on my lovely Ebay instead <3)

Finally, I bought some leopard print false nails. I had never worn false nails much, but when my cousin went to her Prom night last week, I helped her get ready and she had false nails spare, I wore them for as long as they'd stay on for, and even painted on top of them. When I saw these nails today in Claires, I thought I HAVE to buy them :P They're really good, not too long so that they don't snap off when I do things. They're different as glue is not needed, they are pre-glued but I think they were definitely worth £5.

I also went for Coffee today with my friend Jacob, we had Frappe Latte's (Iced coffee). I love them! Luckily for me, he paid for both of our drinks :P  ahahaha <3

Gah, its 1.24 a.m, I have to get some sleep seen's as my radio show is tomorrow and I need to plan it! 
Goodnight my lovely fashion munchkins xD 

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